
The family weight loss challange...

So, the whole dang family is on weight loss. I cannot say the four letter word (DIET), or it is a jynx....As a family we have lost over 100 pounds, that is like losing a family member. We all decided we were a bunch of "fatties". Should have taken a before shot. Me (the main cheese) has lost over 20 pounds... I am just cutting the junk food, and riding my bike almost nightly. Trying to go farther than I did the night before. I love being in the fresh air, soaking up some thoughts, and being alone. Everybody is doing a good job. My throwing away syrofoam cups with soda's has ended. I swear every morning I was tossing 6 cups in the garbage. Wish us luck we are on a roll... I will try to post some pics soon. TaTa for today.