
Another Tender Mercy

I am feeling like a lucky Mom, and so blessed for sure! So I got a call on my cell phone, early Sunday morning. It was our former Stake President, President Gulbrandsen (he was the one that set Logan apart for his mission in July 2007) he and his wife were on a cruise in Puerto Rico and were attending church, and yes they picked the Ward that Logan attends. He said Logan was so full of the light of Christ, and looked and sounded awesome. He also sent me a couple of pictures.... Awww I love modern technology. Seems every time I am really missing my boys, I recieve these special tender mercies.

Here is Logan with newly baptized Natalia.

Here is Logan with his current companion Elder Ancieta, from Bolivia


•stephanie• said...

it's a small world, i guess.
especially in the church.
what a lucky day for you!

Ida said...

Logan looks great! How neat to hear from someone who actually saw him in person. That is such happy news!

Sassy said...

Logan looks wonderful...and I ♥ those hugs from heaven!!!!