
Refining Moments

Wow, our Stake Conference was awesome. The spirit was so strong. I felt like I needed every word that was spoken. I think the whole conference was just for me, sorry everybody. The words touched my soul. Lots of important words to ponder. I really enjoyed Pres. Ostler's talk on refining moments. I have reflected on my refining moments and how they have touched and polished my life. I count myself honored to be worthy of being tested by him, for it is only through testing and refining that the best (and worst) is brought out in us. The molding takes place and shape is given to us as his will is. It can be very difficult and honestly, very painful... but I know it's for the best; that He may use me to glorify Himself... We talk about defining moments, but I think nothing can define you. They’re all refining moments. You’re constantly refining yourself and refining your life.


Mel said...

I loved stake conference yesterday too! Some of the things that were said rang too true. Life is just plain hard sometimes but it's so important to remember to keep an eternal perspective. I think our stake presidency is truly inspired.