
Fun with Tristan

I had Tristan for the day.. What a great day we had! Here is some of our conversions..

Granma, you okay? ( I coughed)... Yep, Tristan I am okay. Granma... you choking? Nope just coughing. Okay Granma. Granma....you choking? No, Tristan I am coughing. Granma, you aren't choking?

Tristan, it is time for a nap. No Granma, can't want to. Where did that come from? He had me laughing all day.

We played on the porch with the trucks

We had mac and cheese

And...."can't want to" take a nap... (he even tired Maggie out)


Amy said...

What a cutie :)

Tawni said...

too cute

Tammy said...

I can't wait till I get to have Grandma days. Lucky you.
I added you to my blog thanks for reminding me to do so.
I really love how this keeps everybody connected.
Keep in touch.