This week I am grateful for my son Colten. He is such a wonderful young man. He is always so helpful and loving. He nevers tells anyone "No" when he is asked to do something. I love seeing his growth in the gospel. I love his example of attending the temple! He just went on a little trip with a few friends before he leaves on his mission. He did sessions at the San Diego Temple and also the New Port Beach Temple. He has always been a obedient kid. I am going to miss him.
He will make a awesome missionary. He leaves for the MTC on the 26th of March. He will be serving in the New Jersey, Morristown Mission. I l♥ve you son!
52 Blessings Week 8
Labels: 52 Blessings
Girl Scout Cookies... and dieting
Did you know that Girl Scout Cookies have a history? But what I want to know is whyeverytime that it is cookie season, I am trying to lose weight..... Arghh......
Anyways here is some history of the GS Cookie.
Girl Scout Cookie boxes are bold and bright and capture the spirit of Girl Scouting. Introduced in the fall of 2000, these boxes clearly show girls having fun and growing strong. The licensed bakers produce a maximum of eight varieties, including three mandatory ones (Thin Mint, Peanut Butter Sandwich, and Shortbread). All cookies are kosher. So what kind is your favorite?
Labels: diet, girl scout cookies
52 Blessings Week 7
I am "grateful" for my camera. I l♥ve pictures, I l♥ve taking pictures! I l♥ve scrapbooking, I l♥ve making dvd movies, I l♥ve looking at photography. I l♥ve preserving memories with my camera! So it is a clear choice this week.. I l♥ve my Nikon D70.....
Labels: 52 Blessings
Happy Birthday Tristan
I cannot believe this little guy is allready 2 years old!
Time just keeps flying by. He is such a sassy kid!
He loves to give kisses ♥
Tristan is such a "Daddy's Boy", I just ♥ this picture of him and Jayson!
Labels: Tristan
52 Blessings Week 6
This week I am "grateful" for Family Fun! We had such a fun weekend at the dunes in Glamis, California. We went with our brother Dale, Michelle and their family. My nephew Morgan is getting ready to leave for his mission to Montana, Billings on the 27th of this month. Morgan loves to ride his quad, and so does Colten, so it was just fun to be together!
Everyone watching riders on Comp Hill Colten racing up the hill
Go Jayson!
52 Blessings- Week 5
I guess I would not be who I am without my Mom and Dad....
1. They love each other.
2. They always support their kids, grandkids, and great grandkids.
3. They taught me how to work.
4. My Dad taught me how to ride and love horses.
5. They believe in God.
4. They love to travel.
5. They taught me how to save money.
6. I can call and talk to them anytime.
7. They never tell me I am wrong.
8. They taught me to love animals.
9. My Mom is my friend.
10. "Rome wasn't built overnight", is on of My Mom's favorite sayings
Happy Birthday, Dad! His birthday was February 2nd
Labels: Mom and Dad