
Happy Hearts Day

Happy Valentines Day!


Cara @ Gardenview Cottage said...

Happy Hearts Day to you Too. Send wishes to Stacy for me! Ü

Sassy said...

Hi Kim, Thanks for coming by my home in the computer, this blogging has been a lot of fun for me. I am still learning all the whys and how comes, I am a slow learner. I love your blog, can I borrow the poem about giving our son to Christ? Also, the quote about journal keeping....
and the blessing every week idea? I love those, I know I'm way into February already, but I'm quessing it is never to late to be thankful. How are you doing with having two boys doing the whole mission thing? Some days are easier than others for me. I do love it, too and would not want Dallas anywhere else, because he LOVES what he is doing. Please let me know if you'd mind if I borrow or copy your cute ideas, I didn't want to be a cheater pants without permission. Sorry this is a novel.

Sassy said...
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Sassy said...

oh my stars, sorry about the double posts!!!! I don't know how that happened, and I don't know to delete, when my smart daughters swing by, I will ask them to get that off for you, so sorry.
Dallas' new address and his coming home date is August 2009.
Elder Dallas Wayne Skinner
733 Twin Oaks Drive #2
Decatur, Georgia 30030
Thanks for being a new found friend.