
52 Blessings Week 9

Yes, I know I am behind....

I love my leather rocker recliner chair! I have been sick with a cold, and pink eye... So this chair has been my salvation. I can sleep like no other, can u imagine me curled up, and 4 dogs sleeping with me too? I also love rocking my grandbabies. I love reading to them in my chair, I love them falling asleep with in my arms.


Mel said...

oh, no fun to be sick! Get feeling better soon.

Sassy said...

Start feeling better... you have some big days coming that takes all the strength you have. I do not know how you can do two boys at the same time????? I like your chair, it looks like a good reason to get sick and lay around in. Soooo we are on week 9? Cuz I really want to do this blessing thing so I need to get going and list 9 blessings that I'm pretty sure I can come up with. By the way like your new header although I love sunflowers, they are soooo happy. Feel better.

Jenifer said...

Pink eye! Bummer! When I don't feel well, I love my recliner and my dog! There is just something about it that is comforting! Feel better!

Cara @ Gardenview Cottage said...

it looks very comfy and when your sick I bet it's like no other! I hope you get better soon!

Unknown said...

nothing like a comfy chair to curl up in. my dad has one and i'm always in it when i'm at their house...it drives him crazy!

hope you feel better soon!

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

Hope you get to feeling better. Glad that you have that great chair to bless you!

angiedunn said...

pink eye=the worst ever! sorry sister!

your family picture on the side is adorable. what a fun group! so cool that you have missionary blogs, too!

take care. chill in the recliner & get better!